The Garstkloof dump site is closed.
Unfortunately the vagrants cannot be
removed summarily.
Residents, please be on the alert and do everything you can to prevent
Please close your curtains early in the evenings and keep them closed
while there are people working around the house.
Please switch your alarm and external alarm sensor on when you are going
to bed or even when you leave for a short while.
Criminals do the planning of their crime well in advance. They collect
information of the residents’ routines and test the functionality of the
alarm system as well as the Security company’s reaction time.They
choose the safest escape routes. |
Die stortingsterrein is gesluit.
Ongelukkig kan die plakkers nie summier verwyder word nie.
Inwoners moet voortdurend waaksaam wees en voorsorg tref om misdaad te voorkom. Maak gerus die gordyne saans toe. Maak die gordyne toe terwyl vreemdelinge in die tuin werk. Skakel alarms en buitesensors aan as julle gaan slaap of iewers heengaan, selfs vir die kort rukkies wat julle weggaan.
Inbrekers beplan `n inbraak baie deeglik. Hulle versamel vooraf inligting oor inwoners se bewegings, hulle toets die funksionaliteit van alarmstelsels en buitesensors. Hulle kyk hoe vinnig die Sekuriteitsmaatskappy opdaag. Hulle kies die beste, veiligste en vinnigste ontsnaproetes. |
A second armed reaction
vehicle have been deployed in Wingate Park, a forth Officer employed and during
the night Officers Andre Theron and his colleagues are patrolling the field on
the dump site side of Wingate Park.
(Our appreciation for
the RHEV-Member's support and contributions to pay for all the costs
of the on-foot-patrolling as well as the RHEV-BRINANT Armed Reaction
patrolling (13,000 km / pm) in RHEV Wingate Park). |
Gate motor
gate motor holds a lot of monetary value and it’s not uncommon to find them
disappearing overnight. Invest in a steel cage and good quality"crowbar" resistant
lock to protect it against theft.
Examples of a gate motor cage and durable locks
Brinant Security

RHEV accepted Brinant's tender to patrol Wingate Park.
For quotes call 0861 17 4343or
Security Guideline
on what NOT to do.
Don't leave your car open while you
ring a bell at your friend's gate! You may become a hi-jack victim

Be on the lookout.
You could become a victim of Smash and Grab.
Thieves tend to break your car's window in a second at the traffic light. If
you have valuable on the passenger's seat the break the window and steal it
before you realize what is happening. |
MorphoTouch Security Device
(added 14/02/2006)
The MorphoTouch is a mobile device that is currently being used by the
SAPS to catch and identify criminals at the crime scene or during raids.

For more information on the MorphoTouch visit the following links:
Tips on how to prevent car hijacking
(added 07/02/2006)
lace an anti-theft security sign on your vehicle
indicating that your car has a security system or has
a tracking system installed.
When approaching your vehicle make sure that you have
your car keys close by (never in your
hand, as this would signal to criminals that you are about to open
your vehicle). Always be aware of
your surroundings and take a good look around for any suspicious
looking characters before opening
your car door. If you notice any suspicious behaviour immediately
start walking in the opposite
direction away from your vehicle towards the nearest shop or office
in the area to secure your
safety. Call the police if the suspicious character hangs around.
Once in the car, lock your doors.
If you notice that someone is following you by car,
try to keep enough distance between you and
your pursuer to ensure adequate manoeuvrability.
Don't ever bring your vehicle to a standstill if you
think you are being followed.
In case of a collision, never step outside your car.
Wait for the pursuer to approach you. Then roll
down your window slightly, just enough to speak to one another. If
the situation feels suspicious
rather drive away and alert the police via your cell phone once you
are in a safe distance away.
Don't ever step out of your vehicle.
Never speed towards a red light, rather approach it
slowly as to avoid stopping at the red light. In
most cases it would have turned green before you reach it.
If you suspect you are being followed, take a
different route home. If you still haven't lost your
pursuer, keep driving and head for your nearest police station. Do
not stop your car for any reason
as this gives your pursuer the ideal opportunity to hijack your
When you are a victim of car-hijacking, don't put up a
fight, just try to make as many quiet
observations about the hijackers as possible without making them
feel you are staring at them.
Immediately after hijacking report it to the police and provide them
with as many facts as you can.
Don't ever threaten your hijackers - chances are you
or your passenger/s will end up seriously hurt
or dead. A vehicle is replaceable, your life isn't. |
Tips provided by: MTNET (

IMC Reaction 24 Hour Monitoring Tel
012 362 5425

Tel: 0861 701 701
Cell: 082 454 5445

ADT Armed Response Tel 086 12 12 500
Security Advice
(added 14/02/2006)
1) Know you neighbour. Know
the vehicles etc.
2) Park where there are
3) Close your garage door
4) Close your gate
5) Be alert
6) Post important telephone numbers close to
your phone.